Maze Training Blog

Time Management

Written by Nicola Fowler | Sep 17, 2018 11:54:28 AM

It seems from our earliest years, the skill of managing ones own time has been learnt since infacy. The difficulty it seems is maintaining this throughout our adult lives and building on what we already know.

Imagine if it was possible to reduce stress and increase productivity. In today's workplace that seems like an unachiveable goal. But with a can do attitude and a few Maze tips, solutions to your time management issues may be more realistic then you think.

If you find time flying by, and yourself failing to accomplish what you should, then its time to take a step back and re-evalute your priorites. It is time for you to regain control and improve your productivity.

Each week we will be running a series of blog posts with the aim to help you progress when it comes to time management. Together we will be engaging in discussion, sharing tips and following your journey.

This week we are asking you to prioritize. 

Download the following PDF which will help you evaluate what it is you should be doing during your working day.

Getting ones priorities in order is a phrase we all hear more often than not, but it really does speak truths. By organizing your priorities you can break down into smaller chunks what is most important. Remember time should not be currency in the workplace, instead your output should be what your productivity is measured by.

You can see below a typical example of how to use the Maze Tip document. Let us know how you got on... are your priorities in order?