Maze Training Blog

Need An Energy Boost?

Written by Nicola Fowler | Jul 17, 2015 3:55:22 PM

It’s the time of the year when many of us are covering for other people’s holidays and trying to catch up before our own. Our energy levels are feeling low; do we reach for the chocolate bar, pour ourselves a fizzy drink or eat a high calorie ice cream?  All very appealing however they only provide a short term fix and longer term consequences.

Here’s my top 10 – they definitely work I know, because I regularly use them!

  1. Go outside get some fresh air for at least 20 minutes – your emails can wait and the change of scenery will make you more alert
  2. Sit up straight – consider your posture, are you sitting the correct distance from your key board and monitor
  3. Spray a citrus room spray around your work area – it is refreshing and energising
  4. Drink more water – there are so many studies to prove this is the right thing to do so why do people still not drink enough?!
  5. Do something that you find interesting – especially after lunch when we can all hit a low
  6. Breath – when we are concentrating or feel stressed we often hold our breath without realising – take some deep breaths, it gets the blood pumping and boosts your energy
  7. Find a reason to laugh – watch a funny video at lunch time, listen to a comedy pod cast – whatever makes you happy as when we laugh we do feel energised
  8. Avoid a large intake of carbohydrates at lunch time – this time of the year there are many reasons to be having more than your five a day
  9. Open the window – not always possible but if you can it’s a must
  10. Eat at regular intervals – it sustains your energy levels