Maze Training Blog

A WWW DOT© Approach To Delegation

Written by Nicola Fowler | Apr 25, 2014 8:38:26 AM

There are many managers who find delegation challenging, they are equally surprised when the receiver does not do as they have requested – what they perhaps do not consider is that instead of a request they delivered as a ‘tell’ hardly surprising then that they did not achieve the desired outcome.

Maze came up with a different approach to delegation, WWW DOT© it has been tried and tested, it is collaborative and engaging, it delivers results!

It comes in two stages:

Stage 1: Consider the WWW

  • WHAT - exactly do you need the person to do
  • WHY - are you asking them to do it
  • WHEN - do you need it done by

Thinking about this before speaking to the other person will help you become clearer about your expectations and will help you to consider all the options available before delegating. 

Phrase it as a request for help, using questioning as opposed to a directive/command, this approach will engage, develop more buy-in to the result, will mean as the leader you start to have less involvement in the decision and so develop the other person in the process.

Stage 2 Consider the DOT 


This should be collaborative, aiming to discuss all the options available with the other person, you may need to negotiate or influence to gain agreement and time scale. 

The end result will be a way of delegating that has very clear expectations for both parties and as a result better outcomes!